2024 Goals
Expand to Buffalo, NY.
Start a partnership with Charter School of Inquiry
Continue partnership with Neighborhood House Charter School in Boston, MA.
Fund one field trip in each elementary grade and overnight experiences for the middle school.
Increase fundraising.
In 2024 we will fund 100 students.
This goal will allow us to fund student adventures in a new city!
Our goal is to begin a partnership with one school - Charter School of Inquiry.
Maintain NHCS Connection
We will continue to work with Neighborhood House Charter School in Boston, MA.
In 2024, we will fund 100 students on trips.
2019/2020 School Year Goals
Annual Goal
47 student scholarships
10 kids to Camp Beckett
12 kids to Frost Valley
15 kids to Camp Wing
10 kids to Washington, DC
5 buses for day trips
A 25% increase of previous year
Stretch Goal
This goal would allow us to fund all students in need
Any reserve funds would allow the next school year to start with a surplus